Our Team

Founder & Editor Zena Battersby

Editor and Designer 49

That’s me! I had the idea for Forty and Beyond whilst writing a column and blog in a local glossy lifestyle magazine. I felt there were far more interesting women out there than me and I set out to find them and create a platform for women like myself with stories to tell. I also felt I couldn’t identify with a lot of the mainstream mid life magazines out there and F.A.B was born. It’s becoming one of the fastest growing Digital magazines in its genre and I couldn’t be prouder. Im a Mum, Grandma and Military wife and I live in Sleepy Suffolk.

Design Consultant

Alix has been on board from F.A.B MAG’S Inception and has been the creative design brain behind the first 8 issues. Alix and I are in regular contact and she’s on hand to help me when I get stuck. Alix has recently given birth to her second son Ozzy. Little brother to Casper. Huge Congrats to you all. You really are amazing ! XX